
Mercy Triumph Church

We are Mercy Triumph Church Worldwide a.k.a Holy Ghost Prophetic Prayer Ministry (HPPM).


Welcome to Mercy Triumph Church

We are a Church of Jesus Christ and a nonprofit organization.

We are a Pentecostal, Prophetic and deliverance ministry.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer, and the application of His word is powerful enough to deliver you. Proverbs 11:9B.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Deliverer; He can deliver anyone from anything or any unclean spirit. Hallelujah!

We are a praying people.
We love God dearly and we love people.

Our Mission

To obey what God says and make His word and work our priority.

To bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified to those that
are on the street or otherwise in need! To reach the homeless, the
addicted, the afflicted, the ones that do not go to a Christ-Centered, Spirit-Filled Church! We intend to bring
the Lord Jesus Christ to THEM!!

We intend to do that through our tract and street ministry, outreaches and praying with them, train them up so they can come to maturity in the stature of the man of Christ.

Our Vision

To Project Jesus Christ and His Love for All. To be a Prophetic and Deliverance Ministry, through the POWER of Jesus Christ and the
POWER of the Holy Ghost.

To equip others with those things that pertain to God through teaching, preaching, tract ministry, street ministry, Bible studies in private homes, in Church gatherings, and serving our community needs with the gospel of Jesus Christ. To be a beacon of hope and spiritual support to others while pointing them to Jesus Christ! With a target of making Heaven on the final day.

This is our hope, that you have a TRUE life changing encounter withJesus Christ our Lord and Savior! Trusting God that you will really have Encounter with Him TODAY.

Our Beliefs

God – We believe in the Blessed Trinity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost.  (1 John 5:6-8; Isaiah 43:10-11)

Deity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God – We believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He lived a sinless life, that He was fully man and fully God here on earth, and that when He died on the Cross it was a FINISHED work. When He said it was “finished,” it WAS finished. After He died, He rose from the dead in bodily form, and His exaltation to the right hand of the Father.  (Matt 1:23; 1 Peter 2:21-22:;1 Cor 15:3-4; 2 Cor 5:21; John 19:30; Acts 1:9)

Become a volunteer

There is fullness of joy in his presence

1 Corinthians 4:2 (KJV) Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful.

The Blessed Hope – We believe that the Rapture of the Body of Christ is imminent.  That no one knows the exact time of His return.  At that time, the Lord will descend from heaven, the dead in Christ will rise FIRST, and all believers that remain that are alive will be taken up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. This will be a visible return.  (1 Thess 4:16-17; Acts1:9-11)